Today is 2025/03/22
Male Female
*Attenion: If you do not include a proper home address in the fields below, you're form will be discarded/deleted immediately. Answers such as n/a are not acceptable answers. We need a complete and accurate address to be able to bill you for our services, as well as creating a medical record for you.
Employer Name
Work Phone
Martial Status Single Married Divorced
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Phone
Emergency Contact Relationship Spouse Partner Mother Father Sister Brother GrandParent Friend Other
Who referred you to our office?
* Please read the following statements and check the boxes if you agree.
Assignment of Benefits: I understand that I am financially responsible for all the changes for services rendered by Dr Najem, M.D. including the balance remaining after the payment of possible insurance benefits. "No-Show" policy: If you fail to cancel and fail to show up for the appointment, we may charge your account $25 "no-show" charge. I am aware of this policy and agree to pay such charges
Today's Date
Meaningful Use: Dr Najem would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this short questionnaire. We apologize for any inconvenience. Electronic Health Records serve as an important facilitator for collecting patient demographic data. The 2009 economic stimulus bill and 2010 health system reform bills, both strongly encourage collection of this data. Due to recent government initiatives to promote the use of electronic health records and in compliance with Meaningful Use, the reporting of the patient's racial background is now a requirement. Please complete the following information regarding the patient who is being seen today.
Pharmacy Name
Pharmacy Phone
This office may ePrescribe (send prescriptions electronically to your pharmacy) and view my external history prescriptions (prescriptions written by other doctors).
How would you describe the patient's ethnicity? If you are uncomfortable answering the questions, you may select "Decline to answer".
Language English Indian (includes Hindi & Tamil) Spanish Russian American Indian or Alaska Native Arabic Other
I authorize Dr Najem MD to release any medical records when I request them to be shared.
Date Signed
Draw your signature
I have read and agree with the above notice of PRIVACY PRACTICES.
When did your symptoms start
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst) rate your symptoms
Have your co-workers complained about your performance?
How was your work/school performance? Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor
1) Fidget/squirm with your hands or feet or squirms in seat.
ADHD MedicationsADHD SupplimentsBehavioral Health TopicsOnline Testing
Mon: 8am-6pmTues-Thurs: 12pm-6pmFri: 8am-2pmSat: 8am-12pm
26850 Providence Parkway Suite 300 Novi, Michigan 48374 (248) 348-4200